Golfing in Mantua

Blog update: I still miss Verona, it was the city of my birth after all. I just hope I don’t die out here, I would much rather die with Juliet. Friar Laurence said it's an opportunity to see the “broad and wide world”, but I think there is no world without Verona walls. I miss the people, the streets, and even the smells. Not only is this my dear and only city, but Juliet is still stuck in there. I really wish there was some sort of signal here so I could text Juliet and see how things are doing. Maybe I will work on that tonight so I can actually send this blog, though I could also do some reflective golfing in the sunset. I could even take a nice photo with me hitting a hole in one as I look into the sunset in complete contemplation of the meaning of love and death. Yeah, I think I will do that tonight. Anyway speaking of Mantua, there is nothing special about this city or its residents, just a bunch of trailers and a few buildings. I guess I will keep wandering about for now taking cinematic photos of me in the sunset. I wonder what Juliet is doing right now… Guess I will wait a little to see. Anyway, VERONA SQUAD out.

Some of the amazing pictures I got (come back next time for the golfing photos):

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